Limem Services : Assistant funéraire en Tunisie
About us2024-04-08T23:17:07+02:00

Our Funeral Commitment

Discover our history and values, embodying our profound commitment to the families we accompany during these sensitive moments.

Limem Services : Assistant funéraire en Tunisie
Omar Limem

Funeral Services Assistant

Funeral Consultant and Assistant

Funeral Consultant and Assistant

Limem Services : Assistant funéraire en Tunisie

Our Values

Honoring the Memory with Respect and Compassion


We take pride in everything we do. Our goal is for everyone working at Limem Services to share our values.

Helping People

Our mission is to assist grieving individuals in organizing the final arrangements for their loved ones.

Respect for All

We value the richness of diversity and treat each individual with the same respect, courtesy, and dignity.

Professional Standards

As a professional organization, our commitment is to achieve high-quality standards in all our actions, while aiming to consistently improve them.

Accepting Responsibility

As a company and as individuals, we fully accept responsibility for our actions. It is a commitment we honor with seriousness and integrity.

Together for a Final Tribute

We are convinced that we can only achieve our goals by working in partnership and collaborating with the families of clients, suppliers, and our employees.

Nos valeurs

Honorer la mémoire avec respect et compassion


Nous sommes fiers de tout ce que nous faisons. Notre objectif est que tous ceux qui travaillent pour Limem Services partagent nos valeurs.

Aider les gens

Notre mission est d’accompagner les personnes en deuil dans l’organisation des arrangements finaux pour leurs proches.

Respect de tous

Nous valorisons la richesse de la diversité et traitons chaque individu avec le même respect, la même courtoisie et la même dignité.

Normes professionnelles

En tant qu’organisation professionnelle, notre engagement est d’atteindre des standards de qualité élevés dans toutes nos actions, tout en visant à constamment les améliorer.

Accepter la responsabilité

En tant qu’entreprise et en tant qu’individus, nous assumons pleinement la responsabilité de nos actions. C’est un engagement que nous honorons avec sérieux et intégrité.

Ensemble pour un dernier hommage

Nous sommes convaincus que nous ne pouvons atteindre nos objectifs qu’en travaillant en partenariat et avoir une collabaration avec les familles des clients, les fournisseurs et nos employés.

The Day After holds simple and unwavering values

Simplicity in the funeral industry is reflected in simple and elegant arrangements, focusing on the essentials to honor the memory of the deceased. It emphasizes an atmosphere imbued with dignity and respect.

Professionalism in our field is reflected in a respectful, caring, and discreet approach towards grieving families, with meticulous management of every detail of the arrangements.

In the funeral industry, guidance is of paramount importance, offering empathetic and informed support to families to make informed decisions during these delicate moments.

Limem Services : Assistant pompes funébres en Tunisie
Service Contrat Obsèques en Tunisie

Funeral Prearrangement Contract: Anticipate the Future Serenely

Subscribing to a funeral prearrangement contract helps alleviate the financial burden for your loved ones and serves as a tangible expression of love and care towards them. Additionally, it provides support and comfort during times of loss, reminding that one is not alone in the face of death.

Tap into our expertise to benefit from the best services at the most advantageous rates !

Limem Service : Assistant Funéraire en Tunisie

We are a true partner

In times of grief, having a caring partner is essential. Limem Services is committed to providing compassionate support for decisions related to funeral arrangements, with the aim of making this period as comforting as possible while respecting the wishes of the deceased and the family.

Proprietary Processes

Limem Services encompasses exclusive and optimized methods for the planning and coordination of commemorative services, ensuring a personalized and respectful approach for each grieving family. They reflect our commitment to providing meticulous funeral arrangements and comprehensive support, from selecting ceremonies to managing administrative formalities.

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FAQ – Funeral Services in Tunisia

What steps should be taken in the event of the death of a relative in Tunisia ?2024-01-31T23:03:20+01:00

In the event of death, you must first inform a doctor so that he or she can issue a death certificate. Then contact our funeral directors to organise the transport of the body, the administrative formalities and the ceremony.

What services do you offer to organise a funeral ?2024-01-31T23:01:56+01:00

We offer a full range of services, including transport of the body, preparation and committal, legal formalities, organisation of the ceremony, supply of coffins and urns, and international repatriation if necessary.

How can I personalise the funeral ceremony ?2024-01-31T23:00:53+01:00

We understand the importance of personalising a funeral. You can choose the type of ceremony (religious, secular, etc.), music, flowers and other elements to honour the memory of the deceased according to their wishes and your preferences.

What types of coffin are available ?2024-01-31T22:59:35+01:00

We offer a variety of caskets, including models in solid wood, metal and other materials. You can choose the one that best suits your preferences and budget.

Do you provide international repatriation services ?2024-01-31T22:58:25+01:00

Yes, we organise the repatriation of the body to or from Tunisia in coordination with the authorities and airlines to ensure a smooth process.

How can I manage the administrative formalities ?2024-01-31T22:56:49+01:00

We take care of most of the administrative formalities, including obtaining the necessary authorisations for burial or cremation. We’ll guide you through every step to avoid unnecessary stress.

Do you offer funeral contracts ?2024-01-31T22:55:17+01:00

Yes, we offer funeral contracts that allow you to plan and finance your funeral in advance, relieving your loved ones of the financial and organisational burden.

How can I contact you in case of immediate need ?2024-01-31T22:53:43+01:00

We are available 24/7 to meet your needs in the event of death. You can contact us on +216 50 343 433 or by email at

How can I obtain a quote for funeral services ?2024-01-31T22:51:34+01:00

For a personalised quotation, please contact us by telephone or e-mail. We’ll be happy to discuss your requirements and provide you with all the information you need.

Can you organise a special religious funeral ?2024-01-31T22:49:57+01:00

Yes, we have experience in organising funerals according to different religious traditions, respecting the rituals and practices specific to each religion.

Do you need help, information or support ?

“At Limem Services, we’re there every step of the way to listen, guide and support you. Your well-being is our priority. Whether you need information about our funeral services, foresight advice or simply support at this delicate time, our team is here for you.”

Contact us today for your peace of mind.

Omar Limem

Funeral assistant

Omar Limem
Funeral assistant