Limem Services : Assistant funéraire en Tunisie
Funeral contract2024-04-08T23:28:03+02:00

Funeral contract

Agreement for funeral services

Limem Services : Assistant funéraire en Tunisie
Omar Limem

Funeral Services Assistant

Funeral Consultant and Assistant

Funeral Consultant and Assistant

A funeral contract embodies respect for the wishes of the deceased and relief for the bereaved family.

The purpose of a funeral contract is to honour the wishes and choices previously expressed by the deceased with regard to their funeral.
It offers emotional and logistical comfort to the family by guiding them through the difficult stages of funeral planning.
A funeral contract must be based on ethical and transparent business practices, ensuring that funeral services are provided in an honest and professional manner.
Service Contrat Obsèques en Tunisie

Essential features of a funeral contract

The funeral contract provides advance and personalized funeral planning, ensuring peace of mind and respect for the wishes of the deceased.

Advance Planning

A funeral contract allows an individual to plan their funeral in advance by specifying their preferences, thus relieving the burden on the family at the time of death.

Customization of Services

This customization allows for the creation of a meaningful and tailored funeral ceremony to respect the unique wishes of the deceased.

Financial Security

The funeral contract allows for the anticipation of costs associated with the funeral in advance, providing financial protection to the family and avoiding financial surprises during the mourning period.

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FAQ – Funeral contract in Tunisia

What is a funeral contract and what does it consist of ?2024-01-31T22:31:26+01:00

A funeral contract is an advance agreement to plan and finance funeral services in advance. It covers the details of the ceremony and eases the financial burden on the family.

How can I take out a funeral contract with your services ?2024-01-31T22:31:35+01:00

To take out a funeral policy, contact us by telephone or online. We’ll discuss your wishes, explain the options available, and draw up a plan tailored to your needs.

What are the advantages of a funeral contract ?2024-01-31T19:39:30+01:00

The benefits include peace of mind for you and your loved ones, guaranteed funeral costs, and customisation of the details to suit your preferences.

Is it possible to personalise the details of the ceremony in a funeral contract ?2024-01-31T19:36:21+01:00

Yes, you can personalise the details of the ceremony in the funeral contract, including the choice of coffin, flowers, music, etc.

Do funeral contracts cover national and international services ?2024-01-31T22:31:59+01:00

Yes, our funeral contracts can cover funeral services nationally and internationally, depending on your needs and preferences.

What methods of payment are available for funeral contracts ?2024-01-31T22:32:05+01:00

Payment methods vary, but generally you can opt for a single payment or instalments. We’ll tailor the payment plan to suit your preferences.

What happens if I move house after taking out a funeral contract ?2024-01-31T22:32:15+01:00

If you move house, we will review and adjust the funeral contract to reflect your new geographical location, ensuring continuity of service.

Do you need help, information or support ?

At Limem Services, we’re there every step of the way to listen, guide and support you. Your well-being is our priority. Whether you need information about our funeral services, foresight advice or simply support at this delicate time, our team is here for you.

Contact us today for your peace of mind.

Omar Limem

Funeral assistant

Omar Limem
Funeral assistant